Thursday 24 July 2014

Just a little Hello!

This is probably going to be really mediocre,average and a predictable introduction at most,but I'll give it a pop.

My name,is Alice, and my blog, Alice's Wonderland (originality points please?) will hopefully consist of fashion looks, an odd ootd here and there (oufit of the day for all you people who've been living under rocks) photography, make up&beauty and maybe even a few deep blogs about life.

As for myself, I'm a pretty non average 18year old girl.
Well, I like clothes,and make up, but that's as far as it goes..(here comes proud fact No.1)

I've never been drunk, partly because I hate drunk people,think its pointless, and hate most alcohol. Also I have Type 1 Diabetes, which I will not go into detail about, I'll probably dedicate a blog post to my old friend Diabeto and clear the myths and misconceptions about it, as well as the diabetes I am pretty socially anxious, and hate going to situations in which I can get drunk at.

Which leads to me say I'm quite the introvert, note, shy and introvert are different traits, I enjoy spending time with few people in a calm atmosphere, I'm not sure why,always been that way. I suffer with low self esteem and a few other things that when I'm comfortable with,will share and hopefully help others out with.

I've really just set this blog up to express my love for fashion,and all things expressive! I'm a soon to be fashion student and look forward to being able to share my own fashion,and style with the world wide web.

For now, I'm going to leave you all with a quote(something I'm going to try and sign all my blog posts off with, cringe all you want, I like them)

''It always seems impossible until it's done'' - Nelson Mandela


Alice x

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